Compañeros de Batalla y SOS Venezuela-Denver : Ayuda a los niños Cancer - Maracaibo - Venezuela

(English Version bellow)
SOS Venezuela Denver esta patrocinando una fuerte campaña de recolección de fondos para beneficiar unos 60 niños que sufren distintas modalidades de cáncer. “Nuestra organización ha sumado esfuerzos con la Fundación Compañeros de Batalla, radicada en Maracaibo, estado Zulia. Esa organización da apoyo al Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas en el que se atiende el 70 por ciento de los infantes que deben tratados por problemas oncológicos”, dijo explicó Yanire Silva, integrante del directorio de SOS Venezuela Denver.
“ En los últimos 5 años, y debido a la crisis en el sector salud en Venezuela, las consultas ambulatorias y hospitalización de los infantes con cáncer se han visto afectadas. Estos pacientes sufren por la falta de insumos; medicamentos; y equipos médicos por lo cual se dificulta el que ellos puedan recibir una atención de calidad y oportuna. Esta situación ha incrementado la mortalidad de estos jóvenes pacientes. que pasó de un 17 por ciento a un 27 por ciento anual”, dijo Silva. Y concluyó, “aceptamos aportes monetarios que serán enviados directamente a la Fundación Compañeros de Batalla en Maracaibo”.
Nuestra campaña tendrá efecto durante los días de: Septiembre 24 hasta Octubre 31 para donaciones monetarias.
UNico día de Recolección de Insumos: Octubre 12 2019
9am- 12pm en las instalaciones de Globeville Community Church. 5039 Lincoln St Denver CO 80216.
De antemano, queremos agradecerles todo su apoyo a esta noble causa.
Si desea ayudar con la compra de insumos, mire por favor las listas debajo para mayor informacion.
Puede escribirnos a : para detalles/preguntas e inquietudes.
English version
Want to join SOS Venezuela Denver in making a difference? We are raising money to
benefit a non-profit organization, in Maracaibo - Venezuela. The name of the
organization is COMPAÑEROS DE BATALLA ( Companions of Battle) and help kids with cancer.
Any donation will help make an impact.
This campaign will take place between September 24 to Octubre 31 for monetary donations.
Donations drive OCTOBER 12th fro: 9am to 12pm ONLY.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to the cause it means so much to us.
COMPAÑEROS DE BATALLA - help children with cancer - is a non-profit organization
whose mission is to improve the quality of life of children suffering from cancer, promoting access to adequate treatment, in a timely manner and providing the child and his family the best conditions of support and care. Their office is located in the Pediatric
Specialties Hospital, in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Due to the difficult situation that the country of Venezuela is going through, and affects all sectors of the population, including the institutions and health centers that provide medical care; the hospital of Pediatric Specialties does not escape this reality, which caters 70% of infants with cancer in the region.
The board of the hospital, joining effort with the foundations that we make life within the hospital, we have set the goal, in the short term, of seeking help from private companies and individuals, in order to give attention to children who come every day to the hospital, especially children with cancer, which are what most demand attention to their condition.
The frequency and severity of the complications of children with cancer force these patients to go to the doctor more than 50 times per year, their cases are severely complicated and must be hospitalized frequently.
In the last 5 years, outpatient consultations and hospitalization have been affected by the lack of supplies, medications and medical equipment that makes it difficult for us to provide quality and timely care to our patients which increases mortality, which went from 17% before to 27% today.
Taking these figures into consideration, it is essential to establish social assistance programs for these patients and their families.
As Venezuelans and nonprofit organization, SOS Venezuela - Denver is honored to support this cause.
Suggested List of Items :
Neosporin First Aid Antibiotic + Pain Relief Cream for Kids
Complete Multivitamin, Gummies ( for children and adults )
Ibuprofen(For children under 6 years old and adults)
Acetaminophen - Tablets ( 500 Tablets)
Acetaminophen pediátric ( oral suspension )
Tylenol Suspensión - Pediatric
Benadryl suspension for children
Laxative suspensión for children
Laxatives for adults
Omeprazol tablets
Claritin pediatric
Probiotics for children and adults
Hydratan body cream
Lidocaine topical for pain relief
Gloves sizes 7 y 7 ½
mouth covers masks
Pediasure powder
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